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Crypto trading volumes shift as Bybit and OKX gain market share


GLOBAL — In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency markets, shifts in trading volumes and market shares are highlighting changing patterns among exchanges. Bybit and OKX have made significant strides in the derivatives sector, capturing market shares of 11.94% and 20.2% respectively. This comes amid a backdrop of overall increased activity within the crypto market, which has seen its highest overall trading volume since March 2023.

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has also experienced notable uptrends in derivative volumes. Bitcoin futures open interest (OI) on CME has surpassed that of Binance, marking a significant milestone for the exchange. Additionally, Ethereum futures on CME have reached their highest point since February 2022, indicating a renewed interest in Ethereum-based derivatives.

Despite Binance’s trading volume reaching $1.26 trillion in November, it faced its lowest market share since October 2020. This decrease is juxtaposed with the growth of Bybit and OKX, whose trading volumes soared to $375 billion and $660 billion respectively. The shifting dynamics are not limited to derivatives; spot markets have also seen changes with Upbit joining Bybit and OKX in gaining market shares while Binance saw a downturn.

In the broader context, centralized exchanges have recorded significant trade volumes, with spot trades nearing $1 trillion ($965.8 billion) and derivatives commanding over $2 trillion ($2.58 trillion). Derivatives trading, which accounts for a substantial portion of crypto transactions at 73.3%, reflects the growing appetite among traders for more complex financial instruments within the cryptocurrency space.

The latest figures underscore a trend of diversification within the crypto exchange landscape as traders explore various platforms for both spot and derivative transactions. The rise of exchanges like Bybit and OKX alongside the CME’s performance suggests a competitive and evolving market where multiple players are vying for dominance amid fluctuating market conditions.


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